Hank entered the rescue world as many other horses do. He had landed in a home that was unable to care for him properly, and wound up at the auction house as a rail-thin, sore, and terrified shadow of the horse we believe he used to be. He was noted as a “project” horse, but that didn’t scare us away. Our team swooped in and sweet Hank found a soft landing with Believe.
When he came into rescue, Hank was very nervous, anxious, and fear-reactive. Our team has allowed him some time to relax, decompress, and learn the routine of his new temporary home, and that seems to have given him some comfort. Hank is still on the nervous side and, because he has some Thoroughbred in him, he will likely always be a lot of horse. But this smart guy has a sweet personality and is trying hard to learn and grow.
As Hank has settled in, he has been working on learning ground work and improving with general desensitization. Leggy and tall, Hank has naturally large movement and is beautiful to watch. He is a showy guy and our trainer believes he has a background as an English horse. With continued work on training and his health, we hope we’ll have a chance to hop in the saddle and see what this boy can do.
Hank is currently residing with his best friend, Harry, in an outdoor paddock with a shelter. He is still working on putting on weight and seems to be a bit of a harder keeper, so he gets plenty of grain daily and is free-fed hay. This guy’s anxiety really hits a peak with farrier visits, and he has been needing to be sedated for his foot care. However, he is good with the vet. And our hopes are, with continued support, leadership, and positive reinforcement, he’ll learn that the farrier isn’t so bad after all.
Hank is up-to-date on vaccines, worming, teeth float, farrier, and vetting.
Recommended Rider: Hank is still undergoing evaluation and we don’t yet know his riding status. Our trainer suspects he likely was an English horse in his previous life and likely has some knowledge under saddle. But, with his sensitive nature, need for a leader, and foot issues, he is recommended for a home with an advanced handler or trainer to help him gain confidence and feel secure.
Adoption Requirements: Hank survived his auction experience thanks to the loyal friendship of his buddy, Harry. Because these two are joined at the hip, they need to stick together for the rest of their days.
Ailments/Limitations: We have been moving slowly but steadily with Hank’s care and are still working on getting him in tip-top shape. So far, we know that Hank has very soft soles on his front feet and does well with soft ground or cloud boots to stay comfortable
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to get this boy back to fighting form.