

Dun Appaloosa (Papered)

A remarkably beautiful horse, Phoenix boasts a stunning full blanket and one piercing blue eye. Her head is always held high and she stands out in even the most crowded of pastures. Perhaps even more impressive is the fact that Phoenix is a survivor of severe abuse and neglect. This poor horse has a past that we have been able to partially piece together with photos and documents. She started in a wonderful home where she was healthy and thriving. Her family clearly took pride in her beauty and care. But somewhere along the line, she was let down. Among the injuries we know of is the tearing of a major ligament in her hind end that still affects her movement and comfort today and, even worse, a broken jaw. A jaw so broken that it has misaligned her teeth, causing her to struggle to chew. So broken that she often is unable to keep her tongue in her mouth. And, as we’ve been told, a jaw left completely untreated. But Phoenix survived and, despite being dangerously thin and traumatized, made it to auction again. This time where we could scoop her up and try to give her some more happy memories in her golden years.  

Not surprisingly, Phoenix has some unique personality traits and habits due to her heartbreaking past. She learned at some point that she needed to fight to survive, so she is a bold girl who isn’t afraid to defend herself and push to get what she wants. This applies to other horses and people, so she needs to be worked with and paired with other equines accordingly. Phoenix can also be sensitive to touch on certain areas of her body, and is quite particular about what she wants to do and when. This includes working with farriers, so she needs to be sedated for their visits. 

But this beautiful girl has a soul mate somewhere, and we are determined to find them! She’s a truly stunning horse who loves treats and, when she puts down her guard for a moment, it is oh-so rewarding to connect with her. Phoenix deserves kindness, love, and care again. And a retirement home where she can be admired and appreciated for how unique she truly is. She has boatloads of personality and is the perfect horse for someone who loves some sass and a bit of grumpy old lady attitude! 

Phoenix is up-to-date on vaccines, worming, teeth float, farrier, and vetting.

Recommended Rider: Due to her age, history, and previous injuries, Phoenix is a companion-only horse.  She also has personality quirks, some that she was born with (typical mare sass) and others that are likely the result of past trauma and abuse. Because of this, she requires an experienced owner who is a strong, assertive leader and comfortable working with dominant horses that may occasionally attempt to bite or kick.

Adoption Requirements: None. Phoenix is bossy with other horses and is often higher ranking in a herd. She seems to enjoy a mix of alone time and time spent with other horses. Because of this, she is able to be adopted out alone. We would love for her to be adopted with her stable mate Grace!

Ailments/Limitations: Phoenix has suffered a number of traumatic injuries in her past and requires a lot of special care to keep her as comfortable as possible. One of these injuries, a severely broken jaw that was never addressed, has left Phoenix with issues chewing and keeping her tongue in her mouth. She requires a watered, grain-only diet and cannot have hay due to the choking risk that it poses to her. Phoenix also has previously torn the ligament that connects her stifle to her hock, so this can sometimes become tight and cause her discomfort.   


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